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  • Power

    Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Power: Your Process Any project involves hierarchies of power - stated or unspoken. Were there any unspoken power dynamics in the project?  Were there moments or events when you or someone else inadvertently created or reinforced imbalances of power,…
  • Outreach

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Outreach: Your Process Where do you want this project to be presented: schools, festivals, print publications? Imagine your ideal launch or your first key event. How will you ensure universal (across physical and socio-econimic boundaries) access to your work…
  • Output

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Output: Your Process What is your desired output or final product: a website, film, or educational tool? What media, platforms or access need to be considered? Do different participants prioritize different outcomes? How might you negotiate if stakeholders are…
  • Methods

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Methods: Your Process It is important to consider how a method or set of methods (interviews, photo voice, circle sharing, auto-ethnography, discrete collaborative ventures) might serve the goals of the team, the participants, and imagined future audiences. How might…
  • Impact

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Impact: Your Process Impact is about the kind of change that you hope to inspire through a project and it is a helpful way to articulate your goals. What do you aspire to do with the project? Do you…
  • Power

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Power: Your Process When participants of a project have an opportunity to engage in decision-making they often feel more involved and accountable to the project. Participatory projects can involve intentional protocols, such as consensus decision-making, or horizontal structures of…
  • Partners

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Partners: Your People Who do you need to help you bring your project to fruition: peers, volunteers, technical support, outreach partners, advisory board? Are they accountable to other organizations or institutions? How will you ensure there is sufficient time…
  • Audience

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Audience: Your People We make our work for imagined or target audiences—those who will benefit most from the project. In participatory projects, making choices about target audiences is helpful to consider early on, and then revisit over time. There…
  • Authorship

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Authorship: Your People Authorship is a key question within any co-creative process and may change over the lifespan of a project but it is important to discuss it early on. Who will claim ownership of the work and when…
  • Influencers

    Your People Project Lead Participants Partners Influencers Authorship Audience Your Process Power Impact Methods Output Outreach Influencers: Your People Who else might have an impact on your project: academic advisors, ethics boards, elders, advisors, funding bodies? If you are involving an individual who is part of a governmental institution, non-profit, or indigenous community, who do…