Partners: Your People
Who did you most rely on to help you make your project happen? What sort of technical support did you need? How did you determine who to hire or enlist? What would you do differently? What incentives motivated people to get involved? Was the project stronger based on your partner’s involvement? How so? How did your partners benefit? Were your partners accountable to others (ex. board of directors, local authorities, elders)? How did that impact the process? Did you account for the additional time necessary to build and sustain meaningful relationships?
Miller, Elizabeth, Edward Little, and Steven High. Going Public: The Art of Participatory Practice, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2017. Going Public Companion Website includes films and interviews with over 25 practitioners about collaborative partnerships.
Naaman, Dorit. “On the “We” in Jerusalem, We Are Here.” Graylit, August 3, 2020.
Sinclair, Kamal and Jessica Clark. Making a New Reality: A Toolkit for Inclusive Futures. August 2020.