Audience: Your People
We make our work for imagined or target audiences—those who will benefit most from the project. In participatory projects, making choices about target audiences is helpful to consider early on, and then revisit over time. There are often multiple target audiences for any project and they may change over time. What is the targeted audience for your project: local, regional international, intimate and limited, informed, uninformed, decision-makers? (General public is not considered a target because it is too broad). Describe your ideal niche audience and explain why you selected it. Will your target audience confront issues around access (physical, economic, identity, etc.) with regards to the technologies you use (internet, virtual reality etc.) or the physical spaces they will be asked to enter? If so, how will you seek to address this?
Miller, Elizabeth. “Designing IDocs for the Classroom.” Immerse, 2017.
Miller, Elizabeth. “Going Places: Helping Youth with Refugee Experiences Take Their Stories Public.” Oral History Off the Record: Toward an Ethnography of Practice, edited by Anna Sheftel and Stacey Zembrzycki, 113 -127. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.